Key made the comment when speaking to press and analysts after the announcement of the network’s first-quarter results this morning. He’s the Chairman and Chief Exec of O2 owner, Telefónica Europe, and he said his company would be making an announcement with Apple in the “coming weeks”. Key declined to say exactly when the announcement would take place, saying, “that’s more of a question for Apple,” while promising a joint announcement. He also confirmed the network to hold a multi-year exclusive agreement with Apple for selling the iPhone in the UK and Ireland. While O2 declined comment on how many iPhones have been sold so far, the network did add 206,000 new contract customers in the first three months of this year, according to its own financial report, which states: “This was driven by iPhone and strong “traditional handset” connections and excludes connections to O2 UK’s mobile broadband offer, launched in April.” The company also outperformed the UK market again in the qurter, posting revenue growth of 12.6% for the quarter and  adding 206,000 net contract customers, 2.5 times the figure for the first quarter last year. “Despite a slowdown on the high street, we are currently seeing no evidence of significant change in our customers spend or usage, but continue to monitor behaviour,” O2 added. Key also commented on the revenue-sharing deal it has with Apple. It has been suggested the deal makes more sense for Apple than for the telco. Declining to enumerate the exact terms of the deal (which some industry insiders say isn’t as good as the deal reached between Apple and Vodafone), Key said: “Clearly I don’t know the economic deals they have done, and I would reiterate we are very happy with deals we have done, which clearly they don’t know the details of either.”