The market itself has been stocking aesthetically pleasing items from breads, to cheeses, and libations that you can’t find just anywhere else. But owner Paul Miller applied for a liquor license, unsure he’d be granted one in his unusual circumstance. And boom, his wish was granted and the bar came together under the darkness of the hole in the wall market last month. He’s created a list of cocktails that run from $6 to $10 dollars and include concoctions like“Horsies Mary,” a bloody Mary that includes two shots of the digestifUnderburg. YUM.
There’s a grand opening scheduled for 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. today, Thursday November 2. Why not stop by and wish the bar all the best. Honestly, it deserves it.
// 3202 Mission St, Mission,
Written by Anthony Rogers, photos via Yelp — Are we missing something vital to Bob Cut? Let us know and we’ll get right on it.