Hue takes place in a monochrome World where the inhabitants only see in black and white; however, the titular character Hue is beginning to see that the world consists of more than two colors. He is on a quest to find out why his mother disappeared and, as he goes through his journey he starts to piece together her research and discovers the ability to see the world in color.

– Dan Da Rocha, Director at Fiddlesticks

The gameplay revolves around matching colors to overcome obstacles and complete puzzles. Even though this mechanic is indeed unique, the fact that the game also boasts full colorblind support makes Hue even more special and accessible to those who have trouble differentiating color. It does this by employing a system of matching symbols in place of matching colors. More features of the game include colored LED device support for Windows, voice work by UK television personalities Anna Acton and Matthew Wade, and an extensive soundtrack composed exclusively for Hue.

The game has been certified as suitable for anyone to play, so even children can enjoy it. Hue will be available onPlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, and Windows PC (via Steam) for $14.99 / €14.99 / £11.99.