The entertainer took to Instagram to share a flyer for his late mother’s memorial service game plans, who died on December 18, 2021.

“My caring mother,” Okon Lagos composed. I realize the most lovely, straightforward lady I’ve at any point met. She died. It was anguishing, yet why should we address God? If it’s not too much trouble, say a request for us as we get ready to cover her. Thank you kindly! Well!”

Okon Lagos commitments to sell his vote and uncovers a definitive expense

As indicated by news reports, Okon Lagos stunned numerous when he proclaimed his aim to sell his vote. The joke artist expressed that the consistent kicking against selling one’s vote doesn’t irritate him since his vote is available to be purchased.

He vowed to sell it at the right cost, however he would be sensible enough not to request an extreme cost.

Okon Lagos uncovered his asking cost, saying he just necessities 1,460,000.

“Try not to stress over selling your vote since I have my PVC and I will sell my vote,” he said. I’ll sell it at the right cost. As a result of you, I got an exceptionally smart and liberal cost. This lawmakers shows up in your life once like clockwork to purchase casts a ballot and vanish.

— Igwe #ObiDatti (@IgweOdyssey) October 13, 2022

“I will sell my vote, and I will offer my decision in favor of $1,000 each day.” When 365 days in a year are duplicated by four years, the outcome is 1460 days. 1000 bucks duplicated by 1460 equivalents 1,460,000 bucks. That is the expense of selling my decision in favor of four years.”