Hacking essentially means that your account has been accessed by someone that doesn’t have permission to do so. This gives that person access to sensitive information that they can use with malicious intent. 

OnlyFans growing popularity has come at a price in the past with reports that people’s accounts are hacked. The social media platform is a target because it requires bank details for those who open accounts as subscribers. This makes the subscriber accounts most vulnerable to cyber-attacks. 

A hacked OnlyFans account can result in one being locked out of it. This can happen when the hacker changes login information like their password. Knowing that you are locked out of your account can leave you distraught and frustrated. But, it doesn’t have to be like this. There are ways to recover your account and have it secured from further threats.

There are also tell-tell signs that you can look out for to protect yourself. You can also take personal measures to ensure the safety of your account. This is important because hacking can result in several issues. These include;

Credit card fraudIdentity theftViolation of privacy

What Is OnlyFans?

Founded In 2016, OnlyFans is a social platform that connects content creators and artists to viewers on the internet. The online platform works on a subscription basis where online viewers have to pay to view the creators’ content. 

It allows creators in different fields to monetize their content as they engage with viewers. Some of these fields include fitness, food recipes, beauty tutorials and adult entertainment. The social platform has seen immense growth since it was started with a growing number of subscribers every year.

Signs That Your OnlyFans Account Has Been Hacked

When your account has been hacked, you can be sure that there will be obvious signs that you must never ignore. Let us dive into some of these.

When you can’t log in to your account with your email or password.  When your account has posts or content that you did not create. When your bank records transactions that you did not make or are not aware of. When money has been used or taken from your bank account. In case OnlyFans asks you to confirm your account details.

Measures To Take After Being Hacked

OnlyFans advises users to try and change their passwords the moment they discover that their accounts have been hacked. However, if this solution doesn’t work, the next step is to get in touch with the OnlyFans support team. 

OnlyFans recommends that you get assistance from the support team the moment you discover that you no longer have access to your account. Once you get in touch with support, you will receive help on how to solve the issue and recover your account. After this, ensure to put security measures in place that will keep your account and information in the future. Some of these measures include;

Enabling two-step verification. Two-step verification is an extra layer of security that provides an additional step for one to fulfil as they log in to their account. Onlyfans provides the option for one to enable this to keep their account as safe as possible. Here is documentation on how to enable the two-step verification with OnlyFans. Change your passwords. It is advisable to avoid using the same password for all your accounts. You should also use strong passwords which include numbers and symbols to avoid being easily compromised. Avoid sharing your account information. Do not respond to prompts or notifications that ask you to share your password and email information. Contact OnlyFans support immediately to verify whether the notification you have received is from the company itself.

Final Thoughts

Whether you are using a creator or fan account, it is very crucial to keep your account safe. This will keep hackers from accessing your personal information and using it with harmful intent. Personal security efforts like using strong passwords will go a long way too.

How secure is OnlyFans?

OnlyFans allows the users to enable two-step verification to ensure that their accounts and information are as safe as possible.

How can you contact OnlyFans?

To contact OnlyFans, send a message to any of the company’s verified social media handles on different platforms. You can also get in touch with support via the company’s website.