Just wanted to give a shout out today to OpenOffice.org!  I just grabbed a copy of the new OpenOffice.org 3.0 Beta released 5/7 onto my MAC PowerBook now that it supports MAC OS X Natively.  OpenOffice.org and the Office 2007 Import features – I’ve been waiting for this.  So far so good.  No issues to report BUT, I’ll keep everyone posted!  You can snag a copy of it here. Update 12/18/2010 – Release Candidate 3.3 is now available – Click here for the download page. Here’s a quick list of some of the new features of the site.

1 New Core Features1.1 Mac OS X Support1.2 ODF 1.2 support1.3 Microsoft Office 2007 Import Filters1.4 Solver1.5 Chart Enhancements1.6 Improved Crop Feature in Draw and Impress1.7 Spreadsheet Collaboration Through Workbook Sharing1.8 1024 Columns Per Calc Sheet (Instead of 256)1.9 Display of Multiple Writer Pages While Editing1.10 Improved Notes Feature in Writer1.11 New, Fresh-Looking Icons1.12 Start Center2 Core Features Introduced With Minor Releases Since OpenOffice.org 2.02.1 PDF/A Support2.2 New Chart Component2.3 VBA Support2.4 Programmability Enhancements2.5 Transformation of CSV Data Inside Cells into Columns within Calc2.6 Language Selector in Writer Toolbar2.7 Maximum Page Size Enlarged for Draw (300cm x 300cm)2.8 Enhanced PDF Export2.9 Multiple Monitor Support in Impress2.10 Miscellaneous Features3 Features Released as Extensions and Complimentary Tools3.1 OpenOffice.org Extension Repository3.2 Calendar and Email Client (Mozilla Thunderbird and Lightning)3.3 Presentation Minimizer Extension3.4 Report Builder Extension3.5 Wiki Publisher Extension3.6 Available Soon: PDF Import Extension3.7 Available Soon: Presenter Console Extension

Tags: openoffice, mac, freeware, download, office 2007 Comment