Optus is quite a famous telecommunications company based in Australia. Optus Telecommunications has been in the world market since 1980. Today, Optus Telecommunications is the second-largest wireless carrier in Australia. The telecommunication company is also a wholly-owned subsidiary of Singtel. 

The telecommunication company offers various methods of customer service to customers. Customers can raise complaints on various platforms of Optus. The company is very quick to respond to those queries received from customers. 

Optus Telecommunication Customer Service

Optus Telecommunication aims to provide the best customer service to all customers out there. While solving queries the company ensures that the customer’s data and other important information are safe. 

Various customers who have used the customer services for any query highly appreciated them. The customers revealed that the company was very quick to respond. Additionally, the company also supports the most suitable solutions to the problem. 

How to contact them? 

Customers willing to raise complaints or willing to speak to customer care service at Optus can do it from the following:-

Contact Number- 1800 555 937/133 937Official Mail ID

These are some of the ways a customer can raise a complaint. Interestingly, Optus Telecommunications have a separate “Help & Support” tab for customer queries. They have provided all the required details on the page for customers to submit their queries. 

Customer Service Guarantee from Optus Telecommunications

The Customer Service Guarantee is also known as CSG is a standard set by the Australian Communications and Media Authority. This is nothing but, to increase the quality level of calls made by any customers in the country. 

Other than that, the Australian government ensures that the telephone providers meet the basic performance standards. The basic performance standard is the same for all residential, and small business customers. If the basic standards are not met by any user then they are provided with financial compensation immediately. 

Optus has given less trouble to customers when it comes to Customer Service Guarantee. The telecommunication company ensures that there all standards are met. But, certain standards are impacted beyond the company’s control. If there is a severe storm, tornado, or any natural disaster then Optus Telecommunications has nothing to do with those. 

What can Optus Telecommunications help you with?

Visiting the official website of Optus Telecommunications one can easily find out where Optus help customers with. The telecommunication company helps customers in different fields and they are as follows:-

SalesCustomer ServiceTechnical Support Moving and Disconnecting Business Support

Customers have a variety of problems and the company is always there to help them out. Customers with any relevant problem under the above-mentioned departments can easily make a call and ask for a solution. 

The telecommunication company supports customers starting from getting a new connection to shifting to a different one. The sales and technical support are 24/7 active receiving calls from customers from all over the country. 

Other than residential support, the telecommunication company provides support to businesses as well. The company has divided the business support into two categories they are Business Customers and Enterprise Customers. 

Goal-Oriented Customer Service

As the telecommunication company offers customer service in various fields, they have some goal-oriented features on them. Interestingly, not only Optus Telecommunications but, other competitors do provide the same goal-oriented features to customers. 

Optus Telecommunication aims to provide the best customer experience. To ensure a good customer experience, the company ensures that all the areas are focused deeply.  The company uses a few unique yet catchy strategies to achieve goals and they are as follows:-

Optus Telecommunication tend to provide the best quality products and services The company ensures that ongoing robust cyber security and customer data privacy are maintained. The company tend to strengthen their approach to a responsible supply chainBring in innovative products and services for customersProtect and respect all human rights Optus Telecommunication ensures that the product and services provided are safe Deliver service or product in an ethical and fair approach to all customers in the market

Other than these, the telecommunication company offers excellent customer service to many business entities. The company ensures that all the criteria are met and not a single customer leaves disappointed. 


To enhance customer experience and solve queries as soon as possible is the motive of Optus Telecommunication. This is one of the reasons why the company is the second-largest wireless carrier in Australia. Ever since its introduction in the market, telecommunication has doubled up its revenue and it will increase in the upcoming years. 

Are Optus and Vodafone networks the same?

Answer- Unfortunately, Optus and Vodafone networks are not the same. There are only three networks in Australia and they are Optus, Vodafone, and Telstra. 

What services do Optus Telecommunications offer to customers?

Answer- The telecommunication company offers a variety of services to customers. Some services are mobile, telephony, entertainment, business network services, internet, and many more. 

Does Optus Telecommunication use Telstra towers?

Answer- Yes, Optus telecommunication use all Telstra towers in the country for coverage.