You might be unaware, but it is very common for hotels to receive packages on behalf of their guests. Visitors often order things they need, online, because of the quality concerns and price differences of different regions. 

Vacation means more fun and less trouble. Here are some tips and tricks for you to use to avoid any confusion or annoyance:

Ask for Package Holding Fees:

Choose Express Delivery:

Keep Track of Delivery Date:

Check Contact Information:

Make sure your name and contact information on the parcel is the same as the information registered at the hotel. If the names do not match, it causes a lot of confusion and sometimes you end up losing your parcel. 

Keep Track of the Quantity:


You will have to pay in advance in such a case. Most hotels usually do not receive cash on delivery packages. 

Yes. Hotels do charge to hold packages for you. The nicer the hotel, the more they charge this fee.